7-step method on how to overcome fear of failure The 1st step on how to overcome fear of failure: Realize your fear The first thing you need to realize in handling fears: DON’T FIGHT WITH YOUR FEAR! The more you reject your fear or deny it, the stronger your fear attacks you. Realize your fear! Say to your fear: “I realize you are in my head,” “I realize you exist.” The 2nd step on the way to overcoming fear of …
Category: Techniques
I first came across the idea of beliefs and changing beliefs in the book “Mind Power Into the 21st Century. Techniques To Harness The Astounding Powers Of Thought” by John Kehoe. I discovered a technique called self-suggestion that gives you the power to change your beliefs. Some of the techniques in the book that I remembered and started practicing were : I was very excited that I could change my life. This book gave me a vision and prospect for …
I want to show how you can easily remove money blocks from your subconscious mind. Let’s take a belief: “I don’t have enough money.” This belief blocks money from coming to you. Affirmations Affirmations are conscious, intentional thoughts aimed to replace limiting and negative thoughts. For more details, read the full article “What are Affirmations.” We create a new affirmation opposite the limiting belief – “I have enough money” and start repeating it over and over again. You can repeat …
It’s not a secret anymore that your dominant thoughts create your life. Fifty thousand thoughts are racing in your head every day. Most of these thoughts are unconscious and do not influence our lives. But 1-5% of thoughts are repetitive and dominant. When a thought repeats constantly, it becomes a conviction and influences decision-making. And often, these thoughts are limiting. This is where affirmations come into place. Affirmations are conscious intentional thoughts aimed to replace limithing and negative thoughts. In …