Prospects often complain, “My business isn’t growing. What am I doingwrong? How to grow my business?”In this article, we’ll talk about one primary strategy on “How to grow yourbusiness.” This is a universal strategy that applies to every business! The strategy on how to grow your business …
Author: Alex Andreev
7-step method on how to overcome fear of failure The 1st step on how to overcome fear of failure: Realize your fear The first thing you need to realize in handling fears: DON’T FIGHT WITH YOUR FEAR! The more you reject your fear or deny it, the stronger your fear attacks you. Realize your fear! Say to your fear: “I realize you are in my head,” “I realize you exist.” The 2nd step on the way to overcoming fear of …
How many times have you heard “It’s too expensive” from your prospects? Hundreds of times, right? The weirdest thing was – prospects who told me that they bought products and services from my competitors at higher prices! They told me, “It’s too expensive,” while paying even more to my competitors. I felt that I hadn’t understood something in life and business. A few years later, I finally figured out what “it’s too expensive” meant – THE PRICE FOR A PRODUCT …
I know you’re thinking: “I provided a bad service, and due to that, they don’t return.” But let me surprise you – it has nothing to do with the quality of the service you provide to them! Are you shocked? I’ve been going to the same hairstylist for 3 years! But then I discovered that another hairstylist did home haircuts. Wow, that was super convenient – no need to waste time going to the hair salon. So, I switched to …
Do you feel like no matter how hard you work, you never seem to have enough money? In this video, I discuss the top 5 money mistakes that people make and that’s why they are struggling with money. Debts, always not enough money, financial stress, and inability to pay the bills – are the consequences of these mistakes! These mistakes have a significant impact on your financial well-being. I explain how these money mistakes block the flow of money in …
In 14 years, I’ve coached thousands of entrepreneurs, and many of them complained that clients don’t buy. I asked them about a specific sale when a client had not bought their services. They told me the following story: “They texted me on Instagram enquiring about the price. I texted them back the price and the description of the service they would get for the price. After that – silence! No answer, and never had I heard anything from that client …
When I started selling my personal coaching back then in 2009, I heard hundreds of “I’ll think about it,” and I truly believed that people would think and get back once they decide. Within a year, none of these people got back to me. I was frustrated and upset, thinking, what was wrong? I started to doubt whether they would really think about it or just say it and forget it. Later I caught myself saying, “I will think about …