How to grow your business

How to grow your business?

Prospects often complain, “My business isn’t growing. What am I doing
wrong? How to grow my business?”
In this article, we’ll talk about one primary strategy on “How to grow your
business.” This is a universal strategy that applies to every business!

The strategy on how to grow your business

  1. List all the activities you like to do in your business
  2. Divide them into categories
    • Marketing
    • Sales
    • Providing the service
    • Management
    • Other
  3. Choose 1-3 activities in Marketing and 1-3 activities in Sales categories you love doing the most
  4. Which of them you’re ready to do every day for years?
  5. From now on, start doing them!
  6. Why Marketing and Sales categories only?

    Marketing attracts prospects. More and more people will get to know you and your business, so your business will grow.

    Sales convert them into buyers bringing you money!

    Marketing and Sales activity is the answer to the question “How to grow your business.”

    What if you don’t like marketing and sales?

    You like it or not is a matter of your beliefs.

    I hated sales till 2012. But there was a point in my life when I had to choose whether to start selling or quit my business and apply for a job. I realized that I had to make sales on a regular basis as it’s vital for my personal development business. I decided to love sales. I found the beliefs that prevented me from sales, created new beliefs, and shortly I got excited about sales. Now I love sales! Read the article “How did I help my client to change a core money belief?” and you’ll find an example of how to change beliefs.

    You are one step away from hate to love!

    So, you have 2 options:

    1. Start loving and doing marketing and sales
    2. Delegate marketing and sales tasks (but it’ll be extremely expensive)

    If you decide to love it but don’t know how to do it, sign up for the free 15-minute call with me, and I’ll help.

    What should you start with?

    Start with 1 marketing or sales activity you’ll commit to doing every day!

    Start with marketing activity if you don’t have prospects to sell to.

    Start with sales if you have an engaged audience, but they don’t buy.

    When you’re good with 1 activity, add the 2nd and the 3rd.

    The big mistake is to commit to many activities right from the bat. Obviously, you can’t do them on a regular basis, and you’ll quit being disappointed and frustrated.

    Please note that some marketing and sales activities you don’t need to do on a daily, but rather on a weekly basis.

    An example of how I grew my business

    How did I switch from hating to loving sales and start doing sales daily?

    I hated sales, procrastinated all sales activities, and avoided sales at all costs.

    My first decision was to allocate 1 hour a day to work on sales! I didn’t set any goal in terms of sales because I knew I would fail. “Work just 1 hour on sales. Result doesn’t matter”.

    →  So, in the beginning, I started to think about why I hate sales and how to love them. I discovered some beliefs that made me hate sales. I changed them. Then I tried to find motivation for sales. At the beginning

    I just thought 1 hour about sales. I noticed that my attitude changed, and I was willing to try to do sales.

    →  Then, I chose quite an easy sales task I could handle.

    I loved creating something. I came up with the idea of creating offers! If the offer is good enough, people will buy without me having great sales skills.

    My offers worked well, and money flew to me. Indeed, I got excited about sales! I was ready to take the next step!

    →  I decided to try selling to the hot audience – my personal coaching clients. I created offers for them and just presented them my offers after the coach-session. I was happy to discover that my clients willingly accepted them and paid.

    I started believing that I was good at sales and had potential.

    →  Then, I started to do a sales webinar. I was terrified but was up for it because of the huge opportunities to make money. I did webinars once a week on Wednesdays for 4 years! Webinars generated millions!

    How to grow your business?

    Start small. Do marketing and sales activity regularly. Grow your business. Do more marketing and sales!

Sign up for a free 15-minute consultation with me, and you'll discover how to encourage people to pay immediately instead of saying 'I'll think about it,' all without being pushy

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